Advantages of Concrete Building Blocks

Advantages of Concrete Building Blocks

Concrete building blocks are popular building materials throughout Ghana for many reasons. They’re readily available, affordable, and strong. Despite being man-made, concrete blocks are also a sustainable choice. 

Here’s a quick look at the Advantages of Concrete Building Blocks

Check out these major advantages of hollow concrete blocks:

1. Strength and Durability 

Hollow blocks are strong, and they can stand the test of time. According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Cement Sustainability Initiative, concrete gets stronger over time and is not weakened by moisture, pests, or mold.

2. Fire Resistance 

Where a wooden structure will quickly succumb to flames, a concrete block building can resist them and limit fire’s ability to spread quickly.

3. Locally Manufactured

Construction blocks are almost always manufactured and sold locally due to the high costs of transporting heavy materials. In Ghana, the Asanduff Blocks Factory produces a wide variety of block types for builders throughout Accra.

4. Insulating Properties

Concrete blocks are known for their insulating properties. Concrete blocks excel at keeping outside temperatures from entering the home, often resulting in lower energy costs. These insulating properties vary by manufacturer and depend on the block’s density. Hollow concrete blocks can be filled with insulation during construction if desired.

5. Custom Colors and Finishes

Today, concrete building blocks can be custom ordered to best meet your project’s requirements. Not only can you specify the color and finish, but hollow brick masonry can also be made in various shapes and sizes.

6. Affordable and Sustainable

Oftentimes, environmentally friendly choices come with a hefty price tag. However, concrete blocks remain affordable, and they are increasingly being embraced as an environmentally-friendly choice.

The raw materials used to produce concrete blocks are sustainable and recyclable. Producing them uses less energy than it does to produce comparable building materials, and the CO2 emissions associated with concrete block production are considered relatively low compared to those of similar building materials.


These are but a few of the many advantages of concrete building blocks. They’re a strong, versatile, affordable, and sustainable choice. Contact us to learn more.

Contact Now Get best Concrete Blocks made using latest technique


Hi, you have provided great article about advantages of concrete building blocks.It’s really helpful to the users.Thank you for sharing you knowledge with us. I knew new things here.

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